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Ayurvedic tips for increase height


Ayurvedic tips for increase height. In todays article we will see why your  height does not  increase and what measures you  can take  to increase your height.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

In this  article i will tell you  five  major  reasons.  why your  height does not increase so you  should read this article till the end.

And in this article i am going to tell you Ayurvedic tips. These  Ayurvedic tips are very low cost.And there will be no harm to your body  from these Ayurvedic tips.


Ayurvedic tips for increase height.Friends there are five main reasons  why your  height does not increase. These five main reasons are found mainly in people who do not  grow in height.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

These causes are mainly found in children going to school or children going to college. So let's see what are the five important reasons?  Why your height does not increase?

◾️Closed Growth Plates :

Friends the  most important and main reason for not increasing your height is to closed growth plates. So, friends what is growth plates?

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Friends there are long bones in your body. So friends,you may  be  wondering  what is  a long  bones? The long bones in your body are called long bones and especially the bones that are in  the legs and arms.

The long bones that have specialized cartilage at the ends are called growth plates or epiphyseal plates. Friends your height increase because your long bones longer.

Friends, you wondering why your long bones are long? The answer is friends, because your growth plates are active or open.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Friends, when you come of age or when your body's hormones are imbalance, the growth plates in your body becomes close or hard.

Once your growth plates close or be hard, then friends your long bones don't grow and so your height doesn't increase.

So, friends let's see at  what age growth plates become close or hard. In women between the  ages of 16 to 17 the growth plates become closer or hard. In men, between the ages of 14 to 18 the growth plates close or hard.

◾️Harmonal Imbalance :

Ayurvedic tips for increase height. Friends, another important reason why your height does not increase is the harmonal imbalance. So friends you  may be wondering what is the relation between growth and harmonal imbalance?

The normal growth is effected a lot of harmonce :

(▪️)The  first is growth harmones and  these  growth hormones are made in pituitary glands. and these growth harmones are very  important to increase your  height friends.

(▪️)The second harmones is thyroid harmone. Your height does not increase even  due to a disturbance thyroid harmones.

(▪️)The  last harmones are sex harmones like testosterone and estrogen. These  harmones play a very  important role  when you  are young and your height does not increase due to distarbance in your sex  harmonce.

Like friends  i told  you that  harmones are  very important to increase  your  height. Some  times abnormal condition develop in your body  and  this leads to harmonal  imbalance in your body at a young age

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

This usually results in thyroid harmone imbalance in women so their  height usually small . Hormonal  imbalance in young children especially in children with  stomach disorders and  chest infections.

And  especially when it comes to children's  height , it  stays  small or  doesn't  grow. Some  of  these cancers and tumor  also cause  harmonal imbalance .

These  diseases should be treated  when  cancer and  tumors are detected.

◾️Malnutrition :

Friends, the next reason why your height does not increase is  malnutrition. Protein is the most important nutriant for height gain for young children in childhood.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Minerals such as calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D are also important for height gain.

If children are  deficient in protein and vitamins at an early age,  then they are deficient or do not grow .  Children's weight does not increase especially when they have deficiency.  These are the children who dwarfish when they grow up.

◾️Lack Of Sleep :

The next important reason why your height does not increase is less sleep. Don't be surprised, friends if  you sleep less than seven hours, there is a lack of sleep  in your life.

If you sleep less than seven hours a day  or  two  days,  it is not called sleep deprivation. If you get  four or  five  hours of sleep a night and you got used to this habit, it is called sleep deprivation.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Lack of sleep does not stop your direct height from increasing but lack of sleep stop the production of growth harmones in your body.

Lack of sleep causes  harmonal changes in our body and  harmonal changes cause your body to stop growing in height.

◾️Genetics :

The most important reason is genetics. If the parents are stubborn, then the  children are also stubborn.

In 80% of cases, your  height depends on the legacy or a genetics. And the  remaining 20% height depends on the four  reasons given  above.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Children inherit  height pattern from both the parents and even grand parents, because height is a polygenic character but not a single gene character. Hence, it is  difficult to predict the height of children based the height of  mother and father alone.

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◻️ How  to grow taller Ayurvedic Tips?

Ayurvedic tips for increase height.Friends, so far we have seen that height depends on five important factors but  now  we will see what measures height can increase.

◾️Milk, Ashwagandha Powder and Cardamom:

Friends in indian  culture, it has been said  that  Ashwagandha powder is very important for  increasing height. Let's see how to prepare this solution and when to drink it.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Heat a glass of milk and peel two cardamoms in it. Then take  it  away  in a glass and add a teaspoon of ashwagandha powder.

Ashwagandha powder is to be  well dissolved  in the milk  and then drunk when the milk  warm. This milk is to be given to you in the evening before going to bed, friends doing this well  help you to increase your height.

◾️Limestone  :

Friends were  shocked to hear the  limestone . So yes  friends your height can grow from limestone. friends the amount of calcium in the limestone is very high. Peoples who consume limestone have very strong bones.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Dissolve limestone about the size of  wheat in a cup of water. And give this water after morning exercise. Doing this every day for four to five mouths will increase your height.
Friends  this is a simple  Ayurvedic tips isn't it?

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

◾️Onion, Jaggery And Cardamom :

For this remedy you will need half an onion, jaggery and two cardamom. Grate half an onion and also grate jaggery to the size of spoon. Make their powder of those two cardamoms.mix all these ingredients well together.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

This mixture is consume every evening after want to take this mixture for three months. After three months you will notice a difference in your height.

◾️Diet :

◻️ How to grow taller diet?

You should drink milk every day . Milk contains  protein and nutrients  that  are helpfull to increase height.

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

Soak almonds in water at night and eat them when you wake up in the morning.

If you are a non- vegetarian then eggs are good source of protein and ti helps to increase  your  height. And if you are  a vegitarian, soybeans are a very important source of protein.
You may  have read above that protein is very important for height growth.

◾️Yoga :

◻️How to grow taller yoga?

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

▪️Vriksh Asana
▪️ Head Stand
▪️Ustra Asana
▪️Surya namaskar
▪️Paschimotan Asana
▪️Adho Mukha Svanasana


◻️How to grow  taller pranayam?

Ayurvedic tips for increase height

▪️Anulom - Vilom
▪️Ujjayi Pranayama
▪️Kapal Bhathi

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